
話說, 之前為了申請學校宿舍的事, 電話打了, USD200 保證金也繳了, 也寫MAIL詢問了, 
回覆是五月初會開始處理宿舍申請, 還以為從此高枕無憂了. 
沒想到!!! 他居然寄了MAIL. 
Mail_I :
Melanie ,
Hello.  I received your application for Summer session 5 and 6.  I will need the $200.00 reservation deposit before your application can be processed.  
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in contact with me. 


Melanie ,
Hello.  The 200$ deposit is for fall 2008 not for summer.  I will need a 200$ for summer sessions.

天呀, 他居然還在要那USD 200 , 不是早付了嗎?? 還說那是秋季的保證金 ? 
怪了 ! 我又沒申請秋季班的課程, 二話不說馬上寫了MAIL詢問. 

Dear Sir , 
we apply summer session housing on Jun. 8 ~ Aug. 15.
We have already paid the summer deposit $200 by credit card to the Bursar's office Mr. Steven on Apr. 18, 2008 .  
Summer session housing application as attachment fils. 
P.S.  We will be room-mate. 
Thank you. 
I am looking forward to your reply.

還一直很擔心, 如果他一直很堅持付的是秋季的費用, 那就又要再打電話去橋了~~
還好當天早上他收到我回覆的信之後, 就馬上回給我了. 

Mail_III :
Good morning.  I will have the Bursar’s office to switch your deposits from fall to summer for you.  
If you need anything else, please let me know.
還好這回很明理馬上更改了時間, 希望申請一切ok, 別又出大問題了.. 


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